Why You Shouldn't Say Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Pick an obscure subject you know very little about. Research and read about it, watch videos on it, then write a five hundred-word essay. Don’t worry about making it sound like a Pulitzer prize-winning document; just pour your heart and effort into making it the best report you’ve ever written. You may have to sweet-talk your spouse or significant other, but you’ll be amazed how different it makes you feel.

As long as the decision to leave the comfort zone aligns with a person’s values, this shift is akin to making a bid for self-actualization. For one, not striving for growth could mean falling into a state of inertia later in life. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs operates like a ladder, with the satisfaction of our ‘basic’ and ‘psychological’ needs being analogous to inhabiting the comfort zone. But whether we’re conscious of it or not, the theory argues our next requirement is for personal growth and fulfillment. Aside from enhancing performance, there are plenty of less-direct benefits of leaving the comfort zone.

One miscalculated oversight will make for an interesting story to tell your friends and family later on. Our Business Motivaiton review will help you with tips on the design, structure and content of your resume. While you wait, we have plenty of expert career advice on our blog.

You lacked the maturity and insight to logically evaluate what constituted serious danger versus what was merely a temporary setback or minor deviation from your day-to-day environment. Additionally, not yet having developed a theory of mind, you were apt to take personally negative things that didn't at all pertain to you. "What's a die for you may just be a stretch for somebody else," notes Britten.

Figure out the worst that can happen, and the best that can happen. Focus on those best things, and it will be easier to escape that zone comfort. One way to leave your comfort zone is to learn new skills that give you a competitive advantage and make you more employable.

We don’t like change….and we will resist change at every corner…if we think it will bring us some kind of stress or consternation. Most people shut off or disengage at the end of the workday. A side hustle will challenge you to find more energy, more drive, more focus, and develop business skills.

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